Expert Slab Leak Detection Services and Top-Quality Inspections from Your #1 Rated Van Nuys Plumbing Company

Finding the source of a water leak in your home or place of business is critical towards keeping your property in top condition. Leaks that are left alone or go unnoticed can create substantial damage to a property, weakening its foundation and damaging walls, flooring, and even threatening valuable, irreplaceable items like heirlooms, pictures, etc.

At My Van Nuys Plumber Hero, our main concern is always making sure that our customers receive the best leak detection services in town. We do this by working with certified detection specialists that are trained to use the latest equipment and make fast, accurate diagnoses.

Types of Water Leaks We Handle

Not all water leaks are the same. There are minor plumbing issues that can cause leakages such as a disconnected water line running to your fridge, a broken fixture in your shower or kitchen, a broken water heater, and pipes underneath your kitchen sink that have come loose. Then there are the major plumbing problems such as ruptured sewer lines, slab leaks, and pool or hot tub leaks. These types of leaks can quickly create major problems for a homeowner and need to be fixed right away.

Call Us for Electronic Leak Detection

As we mentioned before, our contractors are highly trained, local experts that are able to use the latest electronic equipment to find below ground and hidden leaks. This service we offer is non-invasive and can be used to find unrealized leaks as well as to locate the exact location of a leak that is already causing problems. When you choose us to provide you with leak detection services in Van Nuys, California, you can rest easy knowing that we will never break your slab until we know exactly where the leak is located. This saves you a lot of money and reduces the amount of time you have to deal with strangers in your home.

Take Advantage of Our Slab Leak Repairs

If you have a foundation leak, you may need slab leak detection and repair services. Customers that have experienced higher than normal water bills and have noticed water damage in their homes, but cannot find the source of the leak will benefit from slab leak detection and repair.

Call today and learn more about our affordable repair options from the most trusted plumbing company in Van Nuys.